Monday, January 21, 2008

More Memphis PSH

I knew we'd be hearing from Blake Fontenay, Memphis' local anti-gun bigot, on the issue of handgun carry in bars. He says:

On Wednesday, the state Senate passed a bill that would allow people with handgun-carry permits to go armed into bars and restaurants that serve alcohol - provided those wielding the guns don’t drink.

I don't imagine too many gun owners go into bars to satisfy their craving for a Shirley Temple or a nice O’Doul’s, but I’ve been wrong about such things before.

Anyway, if this bill becomes law, we could have a situation where it’s illegal to fire up a cigarette in a bar, but it’s legal to fire a gun.

Blake, of course, only channels his own lack of self control with the "Shirley Temple or O'Douls" statement. I guess he's never heard of, or participated in the designated driver program.

Then he displays his ignorance of the law by using the "legal to fire a gun" thing.

Blake, do your homework (or at least use Google). It's always been illegal to fire a gun in the city. Of course, that doesn't seem to stop the criminals here, does it?

Previous PSH here.

I see much blog fodder over this issue in the near future.

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