Monday, January 21, 2008

And Now, Some Nashville PSH

I must confess, my first reaction to this wasn't "More of the 'Only Ones' wanting to keep the serfs docile.", but "You all have a kid running your police force?". Anyway, you have to know it's a pontification from on high when the opening statement is:

Alcohol and firearms don't mix — period.
Period. End of story. Funny thing is, I agree with the statement for the most part (but that's another post). The thing is, this bill has nothing to do with mixing alcohol and guns. But, why let the facts stand in the way of scaring the serfs?

It makes absolutely no sense to me to allow people to carry guns into establishments where the potential for alcohol-related or induced brawls is greatest.
Yeah, I avoid Applebee's, Chili's and the like for that exact reason. Oh, you're referring to the local stab-n-jab? Chances are they're already armed. Can anyone who frequents Harpo's back me up on this?

More below the fold.

Now, for the if's:

For example, a dispute or fight breaks out in a bar. A gun carrier is involved or tries to step in and break up the fight. The gun carrier is disarmed or, worse, the weapon is used and shots are fired in the crowded establishment.
Hmm, we have the "gun taken away" theme, the "gun carrier playing hero" theme, and the "shots into a crowd" theme. If, if, if. How about this scenario: Fight breaks out, gun permit holder gets his/her family out and calls 911? Can you get your mind around that? We're not cops. the Lone Ranger, Rambo or anything else. We're regular people who choose to protect ourselves, that's it.

Our police officers receive specific and periodic training on the retention of their guns in critical situations; most citizens with handgun permits do not.
That's why we don't do your jobs for you. Of course, in the situations described above, all your folks will be doing will be taking statements, anyway. No offense, just fact.

Some will argue that the legislation applies only to law-abiding gun carriers who do not drink.
No, we argue that the law applies only to law-abiding citizens who won't drink at the time. Hard to grasp? I hope not.

Make no mistake: Law enforcement's longstanding opposition to this legislation is rooted entirely in public safety. I am very supportive of the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and have no issue with Tennessee's existing law dealing with handgun-carry permits. That law, however, does not need to be expanded to introduce guns to downtown bars or corner taverns.

I'm sure you believe that's true, but pardon my cynicism. You don't appear to me to know anything about gun owners, or bars for that matter.

You say the law would introduce bars to guns. They're already there, just illegally.


Serr8d said...

Hey, welcome to Tennessee blogdom! I spotted your reference to the Titans from Chris' post, so natch followed you home.

I'm suffering in Smyrna, for now! It's not so bad, but nothing like home.

Hey, I've got some posting rights at TennesseeFree, a startup blog run by some right-on's in Nashville. There's some liberals posting there as well...

Part of the 'posting guidelines' is supposedly hilighting posts by other Tennesseans. I don't have a lot of time for posting, but if it's OK I'd like to link one of your future posts as showcase.

If you want to associate with an 'edgy' sort like me that is...


Rustmeister said...

Thanks, feel free to link anything you want..

Edgy is good, for the most part. =)