Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Some (f)GB BB Gun Nonsense

Via Kim, Yuri and Sebastian comes this:

Man Shot 3 Times Claims He Was Gunned Down Over Pro-Obama Shirt

Dube Egwuatu told the Mail he was purchasing a cell phone when a stranger started shouting racial slurs over his shirt featuring the presidential candidate’s face and the word “Believe.”

Egwuatu zipped up his jacket and headed for his car, but as he turned it on, the gunman opened the passenger side door and shot him three times, hitting him in the face, hand and shoulder.

Holy crap! (you think) That's nuts!

Then, of course, you read:

A piece of metal was removed from his jaw from the attacker’s gas-powered ball-bearing pistol, the Mail reported.
(emphasis mine)

That, my friends is what's commonly known as a BB gun. Or at worst, a pellet gun. I wonder why they didn't just call it that?

I've reported this media sensationalism before, in a effort to get the bullshit-o-meter established on this subject. Ordinary people browse these headlines, shake their heads and continue to wonder whether having guns in society is a Good Thing.


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