Friday, May 9, 2008

Wonder How the Recoil Was?

Here's some PSH, complete with some interesting characteristics:

CRIME: Teen accused of shooting boy with BB gun

The boy told police he heard the bang and saw the flash, then felt something hit his right leg. Though he was in pain, the boy said he was scared and kept riding his bike until he rounded the corner at Washburn Street.

Officers responded to the scene and saw a small mark on the boys right leg.
That's one mean BB gun, I tell ya (emph mine).

New category - Evil BB Guns, because we all have the right to know.


Anonymous said...

He “saw the flash”? What flash? Did the idiot with the BB gun’s GF (or BF as the case may be) take a picture with a cell phone camera to post on the web?

Rustmeister said...

That's about the only way it could happen.