Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Unbiased Coverage From the Commercial Appeal

No, I haven't lost my mind, nor have I taken to drink before noon:

Bipartisan tea party doesn't vote for big-spending government

Brown said the event is nonpartisan, meant to welcome all along the political spectrum.

"It's not a conservative-minded gathering. We're hoping for a big mix of people," she said.

"We're not getting into any of the social or moral things. We really just want fiscal responsibility and low taxes."

Well done, CA.

Comments on this, as you would imagine, are a mixed bag. Most are positive. The anti's are, as usual, a hoot:

Fox (Nazi) news has created this mess.
Dear embraerjetpilot, be advised - starting any comment out by violating Godwin's Law will do you no good. Most people (like me) quit reading at that point. Learn to form a cogent argument, and people might listen.

Next we have UseYourBrain (who inspired me to post this a while back, now you see why):
The teabaggin' thingy is just a bunch of NUTS offering a SACKrement to the icons of greed.
Not hard to figure out what's on his chin mind, is there?



Anonymous said...

I've posted three so far that either label this a conservative,nut-job,or right-wing rally. Or,they just completely belittle the entire thing by mocking it.

Mutnodjmet said...

I am reporting from San Diego -- You and I have a mutual friend. This friend will be at your Memphis Tea Party. I look forward to your reports, which I will present on a radio show tonight.