Wednesday, February 4, 2009

So, Who is Really Peddling Fear?

Yesterday, Unc linked to a letter to the editor over at The title of this letter, Gun shows exploiting gun-control fears, plays on the same tired mantra gun controllers have been chanting for years.


These type weapons serve no purpose in a society

Fully automatic carbines and pistols are not sporting weapons

No biggie, those are easily dispatched, as they have been in comments.

What I want to touch on, in addition to the title, are comments like these:
The primary use of these weapons is superior fire power over the police and army.

Too often, these weapons fall into the hands of thugs, the mentally ill or rural terrorist types

I guess the only bleeding hearts are the innocent victims left lying at the crime scene.

So, who is really using fear to advance their agenda? Who is invoking mental images of dead innocents, the victims of thugs, nuts and inbred rednecks?

You are, Jim Winston.



Cargosquid said...

I've always loved how the gun banners want to take my handgun because it has no purpose, especially in protecting our rights, because we are out gunned by the army, etc...

But, God forbid we actually get the guns that put us on a more level footing.....

Rustmeister said...

Damned if we do, damned if we don't.