Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Oh Great

Another Memphis shooting by a permit holder.

Details are still coming in, but from what I gathered from witness statements on TV, the shooter, like the one at Trinity Commons, had been drinking.

Which renders the possession of a permit moot. You can't carry while drunk.

That won't stop the Commercial Appeal from posting up names of permit holders, of course. Nor will it keep anti-gun morons from blaming the gun for the crime.

And, of course, they'll leave out the whole drunk thing.



phlegmfatale said...

Sad when the very people who should be most responsible are not.

Rustmeister said...

Yeah, like an old co-worker of mine says - "There's always one".

Meaning, regardless of how much you train, prepare and establish a standard, there's always one that will will screw up.