Friday, February 20, 2009

Badass Gun Chicks

Ziva's a badass, for sure, but I bet Burn Notice's Fiona would give her a run for her money.

(turn down the sound if you're not a fan of Weird Al, it's the best video I could find)



Mike W. said...

I really like Burn Notice

Fiona's a little on the thin side though. She looks like she weighs 80 pounds.

Rustmeister said...

Yeah, but that's 80 pounds of whupass. =)

Anonymous said...

Fiona could blow you up in your car by planting a remotely detonated explosive device.

Ziva could blow you up by calling in an air strike from the US Navy or the IAF, an artillery strike from the IDF or a US destroyer, or by blowing you up in your car by planting a remotely detonated explosive device.

Having a former IRA terrorist to help stop criminals from swindling folks is interesting. Having two nuclear powers on the other end of your telephone is awesome.

Have you seen Fiona's abs? The woman is not thin, she is buff.