Friday, October 24, 2008

A guest post from Ashley

Have you seen our newest ads? They are up at NRA's YouTube page, or on our website. They are embeddable if you are so inclined.

"Imagine" -- our new ad hitting Obama for voting against Hale DeMarr in the Wilmette, IL case:

Wayne and Paul Helmke did Fox News this morning to discuss the ad:

Part 1 -- shows the commercial and Paul Helmke:

--Paul wrongly says that Obama voted in the IL state legislature to prevent 18-yr olds from getting concealed carry permits, he wanted to keep the concealed carry at 21. Too bad he's absolutely and completely false on that.

--He says he doesn't understand why we're spending so much money on anti-Obama ads because the NRA has to concede we had a major victory in June with the Supreme Court (it warms my heart every time Paul Helmke is forced to admit defeat).

Paul wants to harp on NRA spying.

Part 2 -- Wayne's response:

Note: FNC doesn't appear to have put the second half of Wayne's interview up on the website that I can see. He came back on after the break to run off many of Obama's positions:

1. The Obama campaign is saturating the heartland of the country with fliers (held one up) saying that Obama will protect gun rights.
2. This is treating the American public like children, deceiving them and acting as though people aren't smart enough to find out the truth.
3. Wayne listed Obama's anti gun stances -- supported DC gun ban, endorsed complete handgun ban, voted to put firearms industry out of business, supported raising excise tax 500%, supported semi-auto bans. Every single vote, over and over and over again, almost without exception has been against the Second Amendment and yet if you're waking up in Wisconsin you're seeing a flier that tells you otherwise.

Megyn ended by asking Wayne about Paul's spying charge. Wayne responds that it's way too close to Halloween and he's just shaking his head wondering what's next.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Brady Campaign can smell their own death.

Every defeat they suffer forces them to tell even more outrageous lies.

It must pain Helmke to his core that Obama is trying to run as pro-gun because he knows what happens when you cross the gunnies.