Sunday, May 18, 2008

Sunday Music II

This one brought to you by suggestion of the Madrocketscientist:

This really captures Slade better than any Top of the Pops performance ever could.

Better song, too.

I'm surprised Big Country didn't cover this. Too bad, 'cause then I could have said "Before there was Big Country"....


MadRocketScientist said...

Watching that video on Headbangers Ball late one night (mid 80's) is how I first learned of Slade. It took me another two years before I could find the Cassette with the song.

Years later (early 90's, mp3s had just arrived) I dragged down the MP3 in 2 minutes.

Rustmeister said...

Yeah, in talking with Squeeks, I've pretty much decided to get an MP3 player.

I'm such a Luddite.

MadRocketScientist said...

My PDA is my MP3 player, it may not have the 30+ GB hard drive, but it can read 2 GB SD cards, which lets me sort my music per card.

Besides, I like having one device do it all rather than a bunch of them.