Monday, May 5, 2008

More BB Gun Nonsense

Police: Mother shot 8-year-old daughter in leg to win $1 bet

OK, first off, Mom of the Year needs a good flogging for what she did.

The thing is, 8 year olds do this to each other all the time. We did.

It's a freakin BB gun fer cryin' out loud. If she had done it in response to the 8 year old shooting someone else with a BB gun, that's fine. An easy lesson to teach, in my opinion. But, you never intentionally injure your kid, especially on a bet.

The media attention is what concerns me. Just like in this post, their hysterical reporting makes it sound like a real gun was used.

Add this to the movement making fake guns illegal, and I think we're beginning to develop a clearer picture on the anti-gunners new strategy. If they manage to make fake guns illegal and getting shot with a BB gun a "shooting" in the news, we're in trouble.

One more case, and I'll have to make a new category.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Hey, those things hurt! And I've got 3 scars to prove it! LMAO