Monday, April 28, 2008

Brady Lawyer Has Ass Handed to Him

In comments to this story, Daniel R. Vice, a brady lawyer and writer of a nice little anti-gun screed involving old news Sandy Abrams has his argument taken apart by the general public.

No reason to fisk this, it's already done, but I will highlight a couple:

Abrams was on the board before this investigation was ever initiated. He is no longer on the board.

Guess that was an outright lie on your part, wasn't it?

- Henry Bowman, Annapolis
Lies from the anti-gun lobby? Say it ain't so!

Selling one's personal collection following getting out of the gun business is neither rare nor illegal. Why does it have to be spun that way?

I really feel for the Brady group as they have to spin these things so hard and they still get nowhere fast. Anyone who has been around guns at all really sees there stuff for the tripe that it is.

-Pourshot, Fairfax Station

Feel for them? You're a better man than I, Pourshot.

The only thing I feel for them is disgust.

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