Saturday, September 29, 2007

Sarah Brings the PSH

Here I go again, reading Brady Bunch e-mails so you don't have to. Found this one in my inbox this morning. Here's the good bits:

The problem is that many states fail to supply thousands and thousands of records of prohibited gun buyers to the national Brady background check system. That means many felons, domestic violence abusers, and those who are dangerously mentally ill can walk into a gun store and buy weapons without being stopped.

The Virginia Tech massacre is a horrific example of the dangers of this data gap. The killer was able to buy guns even though he was legally prohibited from doing so, because the records indicating that he had been adjudicated mentally ill and dangerous were not in NICS when his background checks were conducted.

Another tragedy like Virginia Tech could happen tomorrow. We must act now to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people. Please send your email today.
Here's What You Can Do to Help Strengthen Brady Background Checks:

1. Click Here to Email Your U.S. Senators Today.
Urge them to strengthen Brady background checks. One click will email both of your Senators.

2. Donate $25 to the Brady Campaign to Help Us Lobby the Senate.
Strengthening Brady background checks to make it harder for criminals and other dangerous people to buy guns is one of our top priorities. Please support our efforts with a donation today.

3. Spread the Word.
Our Senators need to hear from as many of us as possible. Use our tool to forward this email to friends and family.
(all emphasis original)

Don't you love the "sky is falling" tone of this whole thing? Up to the "send us money" part, anyway.

They could have been more consistent by saying
"Send us $25, or felons, wife beaters and crazy people will shoot up YOUR school tomorrow!"

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