Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Michael Caine, Going Galt

Mister Caine tell is like it is:

"The Government has taken tax up to 50 per cent, and if it goes to 51 I will be back in America," he said at the weekend. "We've got 3.5 million layabouts on benefits, and I'm 76, getting up at 6am to go to work to keep them. Let's get everybody back to work so we can save a couple of billion and cut tax, not keep sticking it up."
Emphasis mine.

Reminds me of the time I was overseas, chatting up a young English girl:
Me - "So, what's the population of London? Three, four million?"

She - "That's our unemployed."



Anonymous said...

He will not be the last of a long line of Brits to Go Galt.

Mike W. said...

What's sad is that the UK will get even worse as the best and brightest among them leave for greener pastures.