Thursday, February 12, 2009

Handgun Permit Holders = Hate Crimes and Felons

Looking once again at the Commercial Appeal's Handgun Permit database (not link for that again), I clicked the "Return to Data Center" link to see where I would go.

I had heard they put the database under "Public Safety", so I wanted to see what else fell into that category. Here's what I found:

We permit holders are on par with convicted felons

Hate crimes

Crime in general

Unsafe aviation

Railroad accidents
The Commercial Appeal's bigotry is on full display, and undeniable.

Update: John Scott has similar thoughts:
I can't begin to understand why they feel compelled to do this. They also post searchable databases of felons and people convicted of hate crimes. Do they see gun owners in this same light? I remember at one point groups were making public the license plate numbers and information on people going into X-rated clubs around town - I assume that was to open them up to harassment and shame. Is the CA trying to do something like that to people practicing their constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms?
That, or they are just bigots intent on depriving us of our civil rights.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

At least your government officials did call you a bunch of vigilantes like Atlanta mayor did us gun folk last year.