Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Bryan Miller, Reptile

Bryan Miller's at it again. Both Robb and Unc have bits on him. I'll link to them, not to him.

Bryan, you're gonna get flamed hard for this over at your site. I'd join in, but I'm not registering there.

So, I'll just do it here.

Bryan Miller, you're a reptile. You have no morals, values or anything resembling a conscience. You use the death of your brother to justify your anti-gun attacks, and you could care less who you hurt in the process.

The thing is, while you try to claim the moral high ground, your words and actions tell us otherwise. You use the tragic accidental death of an 8 year old boy to trot out your usual crap about how guns are dangerous, how people who enjoy them have psychosexual issues and use guns as a replacement for an erection.

You are a pathetic excuse for a human being.

Once again I find myself wishing someone* would get themselves a sex change so I could kick them in the balls.

* That would be you, Bryan.


Anonymous said...

Wow, Mr. Miller really is suffering from a few issues, isn't he?

Rustmeister said...

Oh yeah, he's a piece of work.