Monday, September 8, 2008

A Must Read

Via Kevin, we find this:

What the world has to offer, you don't want. It is downhill from here. If you're talking citizen of the big, industrialized city with university, relative freedom and uncensored internet, then great. I'm quite happy to be a citizen of that world. But that world is tiny, even if we throw in Ulanbataar for good measure. The rest of it pretty much sucks, no matter how dreamy the romanticising "noble savage" lefty doc makers try to make it seem.

An aside. Notice they're generally big guys, these doc makers. Off-the-trail world travel for the diminutive female of childbearing years is not so enticing. No one's going to be greeting me with respect and offering me sliced goat balls. They're more likely to look at each other with that "what luck!?!" expression and stick a bag over my head. Yahoo. Where do I sign up for that one?
There's lots, lots more. Go check it out.



NotClauswitz said...

That was an awesome post she did.

valiens said...

Thanks so much!