Thursday, August 28, 2008

New Orleans Getting Hit Again?

Hurricane Gustav is heading to New Orleans. I have to wonder how things will go this time. Unc see that EBRs are selling well there.

Seeing as it was all George Bush's fault the first time around, I guess we'll see the same outcome this time, won't we?



West, By God said...

If only Al Gore had been elected.

Rustmeister said...

Yeah, if that were the case, Manbearpig would have never harmed NOLA.

Haji said...

Bobby Jindal has pretty much taken Mayor Nagin out of the equation on this one; at least there will be fewer people to rescue...which is good, because I've got some friends heading down there over the next couple days to do some site security gigs. I don't anticipate the mess they had last time, though.