Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Alphabet Meme

Got this from Squeeks. My muse has taken a header in the run up to the 4th of July holiday, so here goes:

The ABCs of Me

Accent: It's changed over the years, from Detroit Midwestern to Memphis Southern, to Army Neutral, and back to Southern. Folks have told me I sound either like Tommy Lee Jones of Jeff Foxworthy. I guess that's their way of saying "You sound like a redneck, but you don't sound dumb". Or something.

Breakfast or no breakfast: Breakfast for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Makes no difference to me. I haven't mastered breakfast on the grill yet, those sausage links keep falling through....

Chore I don’t care for: Cleaning up vomit or poop. Especially if it's still warm.

Dog or Cat: I have both, but I'd take cat over dog. I like low maintenance.

Essential Electronics: Cell and PDA, although the Garmin I got for my birthday is pretty cool.

Favorite Cologne: Whatever she's wearing. I don't wear perfume.

Gold or Silver: None of the above. I don't wear jewelry, either.

Handbag I carry most often: Um, none? I do wear a CC fanny pack when I'm jogging, I guess that counts.

Insomnia: Not unless I've had too much to drink.

Job Title: Classified (by me)

Kids: One that I know of.

Living Arrangements: Buying a house, me and my (known) kid, two cats, one dog, car and motorcycle.

Most Admirable Trait: Like I know.

Naughtiest Childhood Behavior: I was a wicked practical joker when I was little. I almost didn't pass Kindergarten because of it.

Overnight hospital stays: One when I was 10, one while in Basic training for ARD (walking pneumonia). That's it, I think. I also had mono, which didn't land me in the hospital, but had me bedridden for over a month.

Phobias: I dislike very crowded places, like nightclubs. I'm a bit superstitious as well.

Quote: I like quotes, keeps me from having to think too much. Too many to list here.

Reason to smile: Life. If you'd have known me in High School, you'd be as surprised as I am.

Siblings: None

Time I wake up: 6 AM on workdays. Whenever I want to otherwise.

Unusual Talent or Skill: I can produce an ear-splitting whistle with a coke bottle.

Vegetable I Refuse to Eat: Eggplant. No taste, crappy texture. Who eats that stuff?

Worst Habit: Seeing as I no longer smoke, gamble or do drugs, I guess drinking is my worst habit. And cussing. I do that more than I drink. Hell yeah.

X-rays: Yep. MRI's too.

Yummy Stuff: Anything spicy.

Zoo Animal I Like Most: Reptiles. You can't look at monkeys at the Memphis zoo without being suspected of racism.



Bonnie said...

"Cleaning up vomit or poop. Especially if it's still warm."

OMG EW EW EW EW EW! I agree.

Rustmeister said...

Yeah, between the dog and cats, I have something to pick up on a regular basis.