Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Why I Should Vote For Obama

Bruce points us to a thread on Wizbang I recommend everybody go read. Briefly, poster DJ Drummond asked Obama supporters to convince him Obama is worth voting for. Hilarity ensues.

Bruce sums it up:

As if you needed further proof that voting for Obama is a lot like opening a MySpace account. If you're over the age of 25 and doing either of those things, there's something wrong with you.
The comments are pure comedy gold. Are there really that many idiots in our country?

Here is my favorite one:

The more I read this crap from Retardlicans the more I see why they cannot understand the pheonom that is around Obama. But i dont blame you. It seems that anything that is not good for the human race has Retardlicans associated with it. This time we are no longer going to wait for change...we are doing it ourselves.
Indeed. I'm convinced.


Kevin said...

Didn't you READ The George Orwell Daycare Center??

We've been manufacturing idiots for DECADES. It appears that only recently have we reached critical mass.

Mike W. said...

"Are there really that many idiots in our country?"

Do you really need to ask? Also, as a recent college graduate from a liberal University I can emphatically answer "YES!"

Everytime I think I've seen a new level of idiocy someone else comes along and proves me wrong.

Rustmeister said...

Yeah, I know.

The thing is, back when I was young, college kids rebelled against their professors.

Now, they just lap up whatever is put in front of them.