Wednesday, May 28, 2008

He Has a Point

MostlyGenius has an issue with the new logo over on the left, although he does touch on how I see it.

I know that these people are sincere in their protection of the bill of rights, and that maybe this title might be a bit tongue in cheek, but it allows their remarks, insight, an commentary to be dismissed out of hand.
The emphasized part is what I'm talking about. It is, in my opinion, a dig at the true propagandist, the Joyce-funded anti-gunner. It's no different than any other tongue in cheek logo, like People of the Gun, Axis of _____ , Misha's badges, and, of course, Instapundo Delenda Est!

Just having a little laugh between forays into battle is all.

But, he does have a point. When does it become a distractor? No biggie for me, but some of the more respectable blogs out there might want to think about it a little.


Anonymous said...

Satire? Heck the enemy is semi-literate and can't do math and you expect them to understand satire?

Seriously, I just think about it as a blog breaking a real, important, story and then getting dismissed as propaganda would be huge waste.

Rustmeister said...

I think they're smarter than that, they just don't have any facts on their side.