Thursday, May 8, 2008

Gas Tax Holiday

Pigs must be getting ready for takeoff. I find that I agree with Barack Diddy-Wah-Diddy Obama on the gas tax holiday.

Ok, the article is actually about TN Lieutenant Governor Ramsey, but he agrees with Obama too:

Told that Obama called a gas holiday a gimmick, Ramsey replied he was unaware of that. After considering for a moment, he added, "I was trying to get the right word."
Gimmick, indeed, and dumber by half over this cash giveaway President Bush is holding as we speak.

Think about it. Saving 18 cents on a gallon of gas will save you what? Four bucks a tank? Big deal.

If you want to give someone a break, give a tax holiday on diesel fuel. The savings would be tangible, and it would give truckers some incentive to get out and move some freight.

I mean hell, if you're gonna wreck the states' construction budgets, might as well get some benefit out of it.

There I go, trying to make sense in an election year....

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