Sunday, May 4, 2008

Ammo Porno

I was re-arranging my ammo cans the other day:

I figure there's at least 3000 rounds there.

Is that a stockpile? Maybe an ammo depot? Or just a few rounds for each gun. You decide.

Right now, female California Democrats are crying. Hopefully.


Kate said...

Pfft! I'd say it's not enough! Hmmm...can't tell if there is any I could use for target shooting with my .32. :)

Rustmeister said...

In the center, those loose rounds are .32. Some ACP, some rimmed.

I have no idea where they came from.

Kate said...

Oh yeah....I'm suppose to be able to tell what those tiny little things are, right? Look like something for a miniature toy gun. Heh.

Hey, I've got old eyes!