Tuesday, April 15, 2008

No More Wal Mart for Me - Updated Again

Well, no more guns from there, anyway.

Wal-Mart agrees with NYC mayor Bloomberg to toughen gun policies

Wal-Mart is the nation's largest seller of firearms and Bloomberg is an outspoken gun control advocate.

Bloomberg is announcing the initiative Monday as he meets with Mayors Against Illegal Guns. He founded that group to try to crack down on the unlawful traffic in weapons that are often used in crimes.

Under the group's Responsible Firearms Retailer Partnership, Wal-Mart StoresInc. will agree to keep certain records.

I hope this comes back to bite them in the butt

Update: Sebastian points to a more detailed story saying they're gonna film all gun sales. What bullshit.

Update The Second - Here are some reactions:

Ahab - The best post on the issue. Lotsa details.



Armed Canadian




The Real Gun Guys

Joe Huffman

David Codrea

I don't know if I'll be able to boycott Wal-Mart completely, but I'm gonna give it a try.


AlanDP said...

The two closest to my house don't even carry firearms any more, although they do still stock lots of ammo.

Anonymous said...

So, what does "keep certain records" mean? All licensed dealers are already required to keep the 4473 forms.

Rustmeister said...

Al: I just wish there was a Target closer to where I am, I'd not set foot in there again.

Jed: No idea, sounds kinda ominous to me, though.

Anonymous said...

Caleb has more. It's worse than that Examiner article indicates.