Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Gun Free Zone Claims Yet Another

This time, it's someone's job.

BARTOW -- (AP) -- A Central Florida teacher has been fired because he kept
a handgun in his truck in the school parking lot.
I hope there are no shootings there in the future.


West, By God said...

Well, the law says if you have a permit, you can have a gun in your car within 1000 feet of a school, you just can't bring it inside. It seems he was in full compliance with the law. His employment with the county school board on the other hand stipulates that he is not allowed to have a firearm on school grounds, thus, this was more of a contractual issue.

My question is, how did they find the gun? If it was an illegal search of some kind, I'd be upset. If he left it on the passenger seat, where someone could walk by, then frankly it was his fault.

Rustmeister said...

Ha! Time to open the old "my car is my property" argument again! =)

I don't know about there, but some places have some sort of implied consent, meaning "if you park here, we can search you".

Might be that.

Anonymous said...

Did the gun in his truck have a negative effect on his teaching? Was he constantly late for work because of the gun in his truck? The answer is NO.

Having a gun in his truck should not have cost him his job. I don't care if his truck was parked in a church parking lot.

One has nothing to do with the other.