Monday, February 18, 2008


Never watched it before. It was on all day today. I had the day off.

Now I know what all the fuss is about. Good stuff. Fox most definitely screwed the pooch by pulling that show.

That's why the light blogging, I guess.


Anonymous said...

Lucky bastard! I remember when I discovered it. One of the best days ever.

Rustmeister said...

I know. It's like when you finish a good book and then get mad because there's no more to read.

breda said...


Don't forget the movie, Serenity.

Rustmeister said...

Yeah, it occurred to me right after posting that.

I'll be picking it up as early as possible.

MadRocketScientist said...

Welcome to the Browncoats ;-)

The Firefly show DVD set includes three episodes not released during the initial run, although they might have been part of your marathon.

Rustmeister said...

They were. I got all on the intarwebs during/after the shows and did some research.

I missed the first few, so I do have something else to look forward to.