Wednesday, January 16, 2008

A Prediction

Some folks have reported on the gutting of the Georgia gun bill - the one where people would get protection from employers if they kept a weapon in their car at work.

David Hardy sums it up:

it sounds as if the Senate Rules Committee (a) restricted the bill to cover only CCW permittees who want to store a gun in their car while parked at work and (b) added a provision allowing CCW permitees to carry in State parks.
While it may sound bad, I'll go out on a big 'ol fat limb here and say GA will see a marked increase in CCW permits if and when this passes.

That's what's called a Blinding Glimpse of the Obvious


JonBoy said...

I had an interesting notion the other day, probably not real original, but...
Can you imagine the effect on crime if say 20% of all law abiding people carried guns on a regular basis.
Robbery would start to look like suicide. Mall shootings would end REAL fast.
Even better, what if that 20% was equally comprised of women?
I live for the day when I read the headline "Attempted rapist has nuts shot off"

Rustmeister said...

Yeah, the Heinlein quote so popular these days would be in full effect.

"An armed society is a polite society."