Wednesday, November 21, 2007

I'm Quitting the Brady Bunch

And you should too!

Uncle tells us the Bradies get their "membership" numbers from how many e-mail alerts they send out.

As you know, I get those alerts, usually posting up the interesting bits, but no more. I'm cancelling. I know there are quite a few "know thy enemy" pro-gunners out there who get them as well, but other than entertainment value, is there anything in them we haven't heard a million times before?

I'm no longer allowing myself to be counted among them. I'd rather be running with a bunch of Granola Chomping Tree People.



Anonymous said...

I'd keep getting them so you know what they're up to.

Seems the address emails as 'dear member'

Can't we all just get a long gun?

By sayuncle at 2007-11-21 10:26

Rustmeister said...


Was addressed to "Rus". They had my name as "Rus T. Meister". Clever ain't I?

As to what they're up to, it's always the same - begging for money and using scare tactics.

I'm pretty sure their website has the same info on it, and I'm very sure they won't ever send out anything of real value to our side.

They may have their head in the sand over guns, but they're not dumb enough to think only their side gets those things.

By Rustmeister at 2007-11-21 11:09