Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Taking a Fellow Member to Task

In comments here I take David U. to task for this:

I am a member of NRA, I pay only the annual membership fee because I believe in the Proper interpretation of the 2nd Amendment. I own Guns, including personal Handguns and I have a concealed carry lic. in Tex. That said, I have complained to Mr. Lapierre (no reasponse) re: the stand on the Assault Rifle
Assault weapons are for Combat, I don’t see the need or the use for them in any other venue. If it is for Gun Collections and/or plinking, well, there are ways to enjoy that activity without owning full auto weapons.
I just have a problem with weapons designed specifically for combat ( i.e. FULL automatic weapons and those that can be changed to full auto. ) being in the hands of the general public, that is not personal protection, that is something else.
It's like he never heard of Zumbo. Or Jackson.

UPDATE Oh, great, my comment hasn't shown up yet. I'll keep an eye on it.

UPDATE the Second: It's up! Here's some of it:

I'm in the NRA too (Life Member), and what you have to understand is this: Once the gun-grabbing politicians get my "assault weapon", how long will it be before they come for your "high-powered sniper rifle" aka Grandpa's 30-06 with the 4x scope? Add to this the fact that urban sprawl and environmental groups are taking hunting lands away at an alarming rate, do you really want to alienate a large portion of the gun owning community by throwing them under the bus, just to save your part of the hobby?

You're more than welcome to come to my blog and discuss this. Making arguments like yours helps no one.
Related material from Sebastian.

Ya know, at first I didn't realize that was Greta Van Susternenenen's blog. =)


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