Thursday, October 4, 2007

Holy Shit, I Just Blew a Gasket

Following a link from Insty can be bad for your blood pressure.

What started out as a piece on Boston's nannyism quickly turned to RCOB when I read this:

Debbie is a mom from Uxbridge who was in the examination room when the pediatrician asked her 5-year-old, "Does Daddy own a gun?"

When the little girl said yes, the doctor began grilling her and her mom about the number and type of guns, how they are stored, etc.

If the incident had ended there, it would have merely been annoying.

But when a friend in law enforcement let Debbie know that her doctor had filed a report with the police about her family's (entirely legal) gun ownership, she got mad.
(emphasis mine)


She also got a new doctor.
Damn skippy.

The full story here.


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