Friday, August 3, 2007

Bryan Miller, Patronizing POS or Clever Blogger?

In comments on this blog post, Bryan Miller responds to reasoned discourse from Thirdpower, Sebastian, and others, thusly:

Boys, boys, boys:

Patience. There's so much to deal with in this debate, and I've just begun as a blogger. I can't use all my time and allotted space answering each teensy weensy little complaint y'all have after each entry. So, I won't. You'll just have to wait until I deal with your favorite subjects in future entries. Sorry, boys.
Bryan, if you can't respond, don't blog. Stick to the comfort zone of one-way old media. You'll find it easier than sticking your fingers in your ears and going "Lalala I can't hear you." every time someone tears you a new one.

But, I have to laugh at how indignant you boys get when anyone calls some semiautomatics 'assault weapons.' Guys, it's just a name - for a particularly dangerous type of weapon, mind you - but just a name. You show how obsessed you are when you go to such ridiculous lengths to protest a name. And, whether you like it or not, they're banned from possession and/or ownership in NJ, and the state's Assault Weapons Ban is enormously popular.
Just a name used to frighten your readers into thinking guns are evil and dangerous when they are not.

Yep, craisins, that includes AK's. So, if you have one in NJ, you're breaking the law (unless you bought it before the state Assault Weapons Ban went into effect and it's registered with the State Police). But, my guess is that your claim is just a bit of false bravado. You boys thrive on it. I'm betting you're really one of those famous 'law-abiding gun owners' y'all like to talk about.
No comment on this one, it speaks for itself.

And, I have to laugh at how you boys like to use dishonesty to distract readers. thirdpower wrote that I said I'll "get to blaming the 'Big50' for global warming in a later article." which, of course, I never wrote.
Dishonesty, or hyperbole? Either way, that one comment had nothing to do with your blog entry, and in no way affected the message.

Oh, and just one more thing, as much as you boys don't like it, y'all really are a small minority in the Garden State. It's common knowledge that statewide electoral office is unattainable to candidates who do not adopt views favorable to gun violence prevention. And, exit polls and voter surveys repeatedly demonstrate extremely strong support in NJ for stronger gun laws. Too bad, eh?
But have these laws deterred violent crime in the area? Sure, as long as anti-gun hacks like yourself continue to use scare tactics, the people of your state will continue to call for stronger gun laws and be unarmed victims. Besides, stronger gun laws really do keep guns out of the hands of criminals, right? Oh, they don't? Too bad, eh?

And what's with the constant use of "y'all"? I don't recall that particular word being widely used in Joisey. Does he always write like that, or is there some underlying prejudice there? Looks like he thinks all gun owners are male, too. And young.

Until we meet again...
I, for one, can't wait.

(all emphasis mine)

H/T to Unc and Sebastian

UPDATE: Further comments from Bryan tell me he's using his blog to troll for trolls:


Keep it up! Don't worry, fellas, you'll get even more opportunities to show the "sheeple" (as you say) how 'wild and crazy' you can be. Looking forward to it


So, even though he'll pull out every stereotype and talk down to us, don't give him what he wants. Keep it civil as you punch mile-wide holes into his arguments.

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