Tuesday, May 8, 2007

The Tenneesean Sells Out Permit Holders

I'm pretty much speechless right now, so I'll just cut & paste Unc's Post

Following in the footsteps of a mental midget like Christian Trejbal, The Tennessean has decided to publish a searchable database of Concealed Carry Weapons permit holders in Tennessee. It is here. So, now thieves and would be robbers can search, by city, and find places to go steal guns. When this happened in Virginia, the paper took the list down, apologized and the legislature proposed a bill making the info private. And the AG went ahead and made it private.

Other than sensational grandstanding, letting criminals know where to steal guns, knowing it will create a buzz, and the upcoming martyr shtick they'll pull (we were just exercising our first amendment rights!), what is the purpose of doing such a thing?

If, like me, you're not happy about it, let them know. Here's their contact page.

Update: I will be contacting their advertisers (like Dillards).

Update 2: Maybe some enterprising blogger could start looking for DUIs, unpaid property taxes, legal proceedings, and other stuff having to do with Tennessean staffers? It's all public info and, well by golly, we have a right to know.
UPDATE: I'd like to suggest we all contact our state Reps and see if they can't introduce a law like VA did to prevent publication of the Carry Permit List.

ANOTHER UPDATE: The list has been taken down.


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