Thursday, January 31, 2008

Have We Been Snookered?

Hoodwinked? Bamboozled?

I think we have.

Mark, whose blog is "Casting Pearls Before Swine" has had a two day discourse going on regarding his poorly-reasoned post on "assault weapons", pretty much comes out with the old "Will you gun nuts stop correcting me already?" line after a host of well meaning gunbloggers attempted to impart facts into his argument. You see, the blogger claimed to be conservative, so rather than fisk his post against "assault weapons" I simply left a comment there, providing facts, as did others.

Upon further review, I've come to the conclusion that the above mentioned Mark is no more conservative than Paul Helmke. I think his "conservative" blog is kinder, gentler version of the one set up by "NRAFOUREVER" (Was that the name Riley used?).

Reasons for this?

1) His anti-gun screed was something we've read hundreds of times. "Assault weapons' only purpose is to kill", "who needs a machine gun to hunt", "the founders didn't envision automatic weapons", etc, etc. The whole nine yards.

2) His level of maturity doesn't reflect his age. He claims to be over 50, but responds to correction with statements like:

Geeeez, you people remind me of those nerds that write letters to the editor of Superman Comics pointing out little unimportant errors--"On page 3 of edition #789 in panel number two, Clark Kent's suit is orange, but on the very next page, in panel number 4, it's green--What gives?
Geeeez, I bet you guys jerk off to gun magazines, don't you?
3) Look at the URL and name of his blog.

URL? "leftfieldperspectives" No need to comment.

Name? "Casting Pearls Before Swine". Very self-important sounding, yes? Maybe a hint as to the blogs purpose? (Whoa, I'm sounding like a conspiracy theorist. Must be the Ron Paul endorsement)

4) Most of his favorite books were written by Vonnegut. Don't get me wrong, I like Vonnegut. Read a lot of his stuff. In Junior High and High School.

So, is he a lefty troll trying to get us knuckle dragging gun nut conservatives to come over there for his amusement? Possibly, although my arms aren't that long, and I don't consider myself a conservative.

He just comes across as a standard liberal poo-finger to me. I might be wrong. Either way, I'm not posting there any more. Lefty troll or dumb conservative, it no longer matters to me.

I typed my final comment over there, it is below the fold. I'm posting it here in case he takes the final gun hater step and quits posting comments.

I say, "Huh?" Can you provide any facts that support the idea that anyone NEEDS a Corvette? Can you provide any facts that you NEED a machine gun?

My point exactly. Both are high-priced, frivolous, and fun. Both are legal to own as well.

Owning these (and military-looking weapons)is about wants, not needs.

Perhaps you should read your Dictionary. Read the definition of the word "need". You seem to have it confused with the word, "desire".

I'm not the one confused here. I came here to help someone get his facts straight. I didn't link you from my blog, I didn't tear your silly, ill informed post to shreds in public. I could have, easily. I do it a lot. Usually enjoy it, too.

But, I see you are simply afraid of guns, and have the elitist mindset that casts all gun enthusiast as "nuts".

Nothing else to do here. You remain willfully ignorant on the issue of firearms, and it's obvious you don't have the desire to change it.


Anonymous said...

It's called "The Bill of Rights", not "The Bill of Needs".

I think Alan Gottlieb deserves credit for that line. I heard it first from him.

Rustmeister said...

Damn, that's good.